About Us – Sussex Funeral Services

Sussex Funeral Services, an Independent Brighton Funeral Directors, is jointly owned and managed by Philip and his wife Sallie. The company provides funeral services to the communities of Brighton, Hove, Woodingdean, Rottingdean, Portslade, Shoreham and other surrounding areas, from their office in Hove.
Philip Evans is an experienced Funeral Director, with a Certificate in Funeral Practice (shortly to receive his Diploma) obtained from the Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors.
He and Sallie will provide you with a professional and dedicated service, will care for the deceased, with the utmost integrity and dignity, and help you arrange the funeral in the most sensitive and caring manner.
In addition to his ‘undertaking’ experience, and as an Independent Funeral Director, Philip is also a trained Independent Funeral Celebrant (also known as civil celebrant or humanist), having completed a course in Funeral Celebrancy. He is a member of the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants.
Philip has also undertaken a course on “Awareness in Bereavement Care” with CRUSE Bereavement Care, in 2009. This course, combined with the celebrancy training, has provided Philip with the essential skills and experience needed to care for your needs and has enabled him to really understand loss and how bereavement affects those who have suffered the death of a loved one.
In November 2021, having previously obtained a Certificate in Funeral Practice, as a commitment to continual learning, Philip undertook a study course, with the ‘Independent Funeral Director College’, to obtain a Diploma in Funeral Directing, which he completed in the summer of 2022. This qualification provides him with further academic proof of his experience and continued learning in the profession.
His wife Sallie works alongside Philip and assists with funeral arrangements, supporting families and their children through their times of need. Sallie offers the female approach in caring and supporting our clients.
As owner managers, Philip and Sallie are the points of contact within the business, available 24 hours and complement each other in looking after their clients and their loved ones. Sallie will always supervise any requested viewing and preparations for such, while Philip will be the Funeral Director on the day of the funeral, as well as when requested to, can conduct the funeral service as the Celebrant.
Sussex Funeral Services provides Funeral and Celebrancy services to the communities of Brighton, Hove, Southwick, Portslade, Mile Oak, Rottingdean, Saltdean, Peacehaven, Shoreham and surrounding areas.
Sussex Funeral Services Ltd – Funeral Directors Brighton – a truly family run, local, independent funeral director in Brighton. We are located in Portland Road, Hove, For a free ‘without obligation’ consultation and advice, please call Philip or Sallie on 01273 736469, or our mobile 07789 174453.
Sussex Funeral Services is rated 5.00 stars by Google based on 50 customer reviews.