Religious Funeral Service

If the deceased is a person who belongs to a particular faith, is a member of a church or other religious group, then it is usual for the funeral service to be conducted by a religious minister or faith leader, according to the wishes of the deceased.

If the relevant minister or chaplain hasn’t already presented themselves to the family, we will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that the most fitting officiant is available to help you prepare and conduct the service.

Again, with an emphasis on choice, we are able to discuss with you what kind of religious service is fitting, particularly where the deceased may not have belonged to a church or been a regular church attendee. We may be able to help you decide on the most appropriate chaplain.

It may be that a person’s own spiritual journey wasn’t necessarily within the structure of a church (whichever denomination) but who nevertheless owned and valued an understanding of the spiritual element of their lives. In which case we can recommend a suitable chaplain who can put together a meaningful service, which may contain elements familiar to any regular church-goer, but which may also contain other secular readings, poetry and music as well as remembrances that are personal to the deceased. Philip Evans, an independent Brighton and Hove funeral director, can help you decide which service is right for you and your family.

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Main Office: 01273 736469

Mobile: 07789 174453