Month: April 2015

Japanese Funeral Practices

Japan has a cremation rate of over 99%, the highest of any country in world. Some local governments even ban traditional burials. This was not always the case – before World War II, cremation was only practised by the very rich, but after the positives of cremation, including its efficiency and cleanliness, became recognised, cremation rates rose across the country. While many may think that cremation limits one’s options for a funeral service, Japan has taken the opportunity to create lavish and memorable services, so that Japan also has one of the highest average funeral costs in the world. A ... Read more

Unusual Funeral Services Create a Personalised Send off

For many mourners, long gone are the days of sombre dress and tear-filled handkerchiefs. Today many of the last requests of the dearly departed are becoming increasingly unusual as the traditional funeral rites are beginning to be seen as stuffy and not in line with how the deceased wishes to be remembered. In many cases, even the mourners themselves are getting dressed up – and not in formal attire, either. At one funeral, the deceased requested that all mourners dress as the Tracy family, characters from the old hit TV show Thunderbirds. Often the mourners don’t participate directly, but are ... Read more

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